Installing HP System Management tools in vSphere

So I had this issue where I needed to modify RAID controller settings and add more drives on a DL380 G6 running VSphere 4.0 Update 1 while in production with no downtime.
Here’s how it’s done:

Download the “HP Management Agents for VMware ESX 4.x” here and the “HP Array Configuration Utility for Linux” here.

Using the vSphere client utility to copy the files to the server preferably in a new folder.

Now, SSH into the server and CD into the directory where the new files are and extract the .tgz file by run the following:
tar -zxvf hpmgmt-8.3.0-vmware4x.tgz

now run the shell script using the –install switch:
./hpmgmt/830/ –install

install the ACU by running:
rpm -i cpqacuxe-8.35-7.0.noarch.rpm

enable remote ACU control:
cpqacuxe -R

And that’s it.
Now you should be able to access the HPSIM homepage by browsing to
logging in with your vSphere root credentials, and now you should have a link to ACU at the homepage.


The correct URL for the HP System Management page is:

Easily display CDP connection info

Here’s a quick one-liner to efficiently display CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) information on your windows PC. I must give credit to this post.

First of all, download and install WinPcap and a copy of WinDump.exe here. WinDump is a runtime .exe, so no installation is necessary.

Now, WinDump is a command-line utility, so to easily access it, I recommend you put it in your windows or system32 directory so you can easily access it from the command-line in any working directory.

Use WinDump.exe -D to get your network connection’s identifier string.
C:WinDump.exe -D
1.DeviceNPF_{FD16AF8D-2700-46D5-8C2B-759B0C54991A} (Sun)
2.DeviceNPF_{39E87FB9-DB40-4476-8B05-601AB3F4CC08} (Microsoft)
3.DeviceNPF_{6588B9CB-A7E7-4998-A780-3652193EA45B} (Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL Network Connection)

Here’s the command format I use:
C:WinDump.exe -nn -v -i DeviceNPF_{6588B9CB-A7E7-4998-A780-3652193EA45B} -s 1500 -c 1 “ether[20:2] == 0x2000”

The command breakdown is similar to what is on the original post sample.
-nn displays output in numeric only format
-v displays verbose information
-i specifies the interface to use for the captures
-s specifies packet byte size to be snagged
-c exits the program after capturing one packet matching bytes 20 and 21 from the start of the Ethernet header for a hex value of 2000

The output of the command above after successfully capturing a CDP packet looks like this:
15:50:59.355171 CDPv2, ttl: 180s, checksum: 692 (unverified), length 418
Device-ID (0x01), length: 11 bytes: ‘Switch2’
Address (0x02), length: 13 bytes: IPv4 (1)
Port-ID (0x03), length: 19 bytes: ‘GigabitEthernet1/2’
Capability (0x04), length: 4 bytes: (0x00000029): Router, L2 Switch, IGMP snooping
Version String (0x05), length: 289 bytes:
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS ™ Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(13)EW1, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 18-Mar-03 07:33 by hqluong
Platform (0x06), length: 15 bytes: ‘cisco WS-C4507R’
Prefixes (0x07), length: 5 bytes: IPv4 Prefixes (1):
VTP Management Domain (0x09), length: 5 bytes: ‘vtpdomain’
Native VLAN ID (0x0a), length: 2 bytes: 129
Duplex (0x0b), length: 1 byte: full
AVVID trust bitmap (0x12), length: 1 byte: 0x00
AVVID untrusted ports CoS (0x13), length: 1 byte: 0x00

This info is great, there is lots of useful data: switch name, ip, interface, switchport native vlan, vtp domain, etc. But is not immediately clear what’s on the other end. So here’s a little bit of help.

I put this command and others in a batch file to simplify things and to initiate CDP capture from an icon. Start the batch file with the WinDump command and have the output echo into a .txt file.
WinDump.exe -nn -v -i DeviceNPF_{6588B9CB-A7E7-4998-A780-3652193EA45B} -s 1500 -c 1 “ether[20:2] == 0x2000” >RESULT.txt

Now, using the Find command, have it search the RESULT.txt file and output the data you like as so:
FIND /I “Device-ID” RESULT.txt
FIND /I “Port-ID (0x03)” RESULT.txt
FIND /I “Address (0x02)” RESULT.txt
FIND /I “Native VLAN ID (0x0a)” RESULT.txt

So now, just run the batch file, and when a CDP packet is captured, the output will display only the data you need as so:
Device-ID (0x01), length: 11 bytes: ‘Switch2’

Port-ID (0x03), length: 19 bytes: ‘GigabitEthernet1/2’

Address (0x02), length: 13 bytes: IPv4 (1)

Native VLAN ID (0x0a), length: 2 bytes: 100

This little script saves me so much time everyday, and is a great alternative to commercial software that does the same. If anyone has any ideas to help make it better, please let me know!

New Year… New Stuff…

OK, so far so good, day 5 of 2009, day 1 back at work…
I finally made time to finish my review of the HP Mini 2133. My boss bought a few to try out, one with Vista two with XP Pro. I’m actually typing this up on the Mini. It’s actually a pretty decent system. A netbook is a netbook, so I wasn’t expecting too much going in. I have found the keyboard to be the biggest challenge. My hands aren’t huge, yet they are big enough to make typing on the Mini a learning experience. So much, in fact, that I’ve become very well familiar with the backspace key. It seems to me that the keys around the pinkies and ring fingers that are a little too cramped. It’ll do for casual use on the go, but not for typing a novel.
The screen also surprised me. Despite being small, the resolution is great at 1280×768. My primary laptop can only do 1024×768. However, I wouldn’t stare at it all day. On the downside, it seems to get dingy with fingerprints easily, unless it’s just me being careless. (I’m terrible about fingerprints on a screen)
Performance was pretty good too. I found it more than enough for web browsing and streaming video. This model has 2GB, so I was able to run multiple office apps and web browsers with it not skipping a beat.
All in all, I would definitely recommend this netbook for travel or light use. It is by no means a full fledged laptop, nor a system you’d use 8 hours a day. But it’s perfect for on the go.
I’ll post pictures tomorrow for side by side comparison with other laptops.
Next time, benchmark numbers…
Rick Estrada

Lookit the new toy…

It just came in yesterday. I can’t wait to set it up, and get the old 4000 out of the data center.

Check it out, any tips on setup are welcome.


Hey everyone, I know, I know, I’ve ignored the blog too long… its been almost a month or so… I’ve just been SOOO BUSY! Work has been hectic, and the projects keep coming at me quicker than I can knock them out. Life at home isn’t going too well either… But let me fill you in as best as I can:

I sold my ThinkPad about 3 weeks ago, and with the profit, I bought a really nice new one, at least, new to me. The x40 went for about $750, so I had enough for a slick new x60s: Centrino Duo, 2GB, 120GB. It’s SWEET! I loaded Vista Ultimate, and it takes it like a champ. Then I loaded up all my apps and some VMs and I’m set.
I just finished a gig where I implemented a few remote offices to a central office location using 2810’s running ATM with IMA bundles over T1’s.
Oh, and did I mention that I’m going to be a daddy? Yep, by late June if all goes well.
I really need to make some extra cash for savings, so if anyone needs help with anything, email me, I can help you out with technical issues using CroosLoop.
So that’s all I got for now, I’m really going to try hard this time to keep regular posts. I promise.
-Rick Estrada

The weekend is now over…

Hey everyone, hope you all had a great weekend.

Mine was OK, we had the best weather we’ve had in South Texas in a long time.
So I finally mounted my plasma on the wall; I bought the mount on eBay for like $120, and it is awesome! I’ll post pics later on.
I also installed Vista Ultimate on my old GX260, I’ll post info on drivers and tweaks I had to implement to get it going. It runs pretty good, but I had problems with video driver and had to disable a lot of services to make it run as smooth as XP.
Stay tuned for more…
-Rick Estrada

Weekend update…

Hey everyone, I just got back from a week-long trip to Charlotte, NC, where I attended Microsoft course 2274C, on managing Windows Server 2003. So the first few days, I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t already know, but Thursday and Friday, I picked up on some neat things I knew Group Policies could do, but never got around to play with. So the security side of the training was great. It all took place at McKesson’s “Paragon Headquarters” on the north side of Charlotte, which was great, because I spent just about every evening in Concord Mills, and spent some time at the Lowe’s Motor Speedway.
Anyway, here’s some pics.

Rick Estrada

First post – YEAH!

Hey everyone, first post here on the shinny new blog… hope this one works out ok.
I plan to keep it simple, stick to tech related topics and hopefully help someone out. I may on occasion post topics related to stuff going on in my work day or just musings on life… whatever
So here I go.
Wish me luck!

–Rick Estrada